

P.O. Box 860097
Ridgewood, NY11386
Organization Type: 
Arts Organization
Programs and Services: 

1+1+1=ONE is a Brooklyn-based nonprofit organization that uses the methodology of Founder Rha Goddess's Arts Based Civic Transformation Model™ to empower individuals, communities, and societies in effecting positive social change. The aim of the model is to use the creation and presentation of art to leverage new ways of thinking and being about self, community, and the world, and to increase the capacity of individuals and communities to approach pressing social issues from a place of vision rather than victim. The organization aspires to foster a new brand of citizenship that affirms the authentic voice and inherent wisdom of everyone; to create structures for growth and development that respect, honor, and appreciate unique talents, gifts, and abilities; to maximize individual and collective ability to transform social structures that hinder personal achievement based on race, class, or gender; and to build healthy tribes and communities as a reflection of empowerment.