Herb Alpert Foundation


1414 Sixth Street
Santa Monica, CA90401
Organization Type: 
Public or Private Sector: 
Type of Funding Agency: 
Private Foundation
Type of Support: 
General Grantmaking
Types of Activities Funded: 
Arts Organizations
Community and Social Justice Organizations
Total Funds Granted for Arts for Change Activity: 
Restrictions on Grantmaking: 
No restrictions listed.
Programs and Services: 

The Herb Alpert Foundation's goals are: To create and/or support the mechanisms and means through which young people can discover, harness and fully develop their unique creative energies and their special talents; To prepare young people to live free from prejudice so they can be enriched through incorporating diverse people and perspectives into their worldview and life experience; and To nurture a capacity for empathy and compassion so that the relationships we develop through our lives are based on mutual respect, tolerance and kindness.