Mission Statement
Serving San Antonio’s youth, SAY Sí is a year round, long-term, non-profit multidisciplinary arts program that provides students opportunities to develop artistic and social skills in preparation for higher educational advancement and professional careers.
VA [High School Visual Arts Program], a comprehensive visual arts program for students in grades 9-12. Students work with a vast array of media and techniques such as drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics and mixed media with a focus on the development of entrepreneurial and marketing skills.
MAS [High School Media Arts Studio Program], an innovative technology-based media arts program that provides hands-on focuses in filmmaking and digital design for students in grades 9 - 12.
ALAS [Activating Leadership, Art and Service Theater Program,], emphasizes leadership skills and civic engagement, our theatre program empowers youth to create and perform original work that addresses community concerns, challenges prejudices and social injustice, and celebrates diversity and difference. ALAS HS for grades 9 – 12.
HIVE [Home for Innovation and Video Ecology]. The HIVE studio will allow our youth to design digital games and explore new media-not in order to train them for industry jobs – although there are real careers out there, but to give them a platform on which to build technical, technological, artistic, cognitive, social and linguistic skills suitable for our current and future workforce. This new game design studio program will allow us to turn STEM into STEAM, creating the bridge between science, technology, engineering, math and the arts.
WAM [Working Artists and Mentors, Middle School Program], is a year-round Saturday program for middle school (grades 6 - 8) youth in both visual and media arts aimed at building a foundation for creative thinking and nurturing artistic competencies. Hired high school junior and senior students work as instructors providing peer-to-peer mentoring and learning opportunities.
ABC [Artists Building Communities, Community Programming], Alumni facilitate art workshops for children and youth served by inner-city public schools and health and human service organizations including the Battered Women and Children’s Shelter of Family Violence Prevention Services, San Antonio Children’s Shelter and many inner city title-one public schools.